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Fourth Grade

Saint Michael School Fourth Graders serve and explore: 

These nine months of Fourth Grade at Saint Michael Parish School will be an adventurous journey for students entering this grade. Through the course of this year students grow and mature as responsible, independent learners.


In Religion, we deepen our faith as Catholics as we focus on the Ten Commandments and the Beatitudes. Social Studies is all about Washington State! Student centered projects such a salt and flour map of Washington and Explorer Trading Cards are just a few features of the program. Math and English Language Arts showcase a workshop format that includes hand on activities, small group learning, and choice as students delve into higher-level concepts and skills.


Fourth Graders can expect to participate in a variety of service learning opportunities throughout their year including class designed prayer services, rosary making for our sister school in Haiti, visiting seniors at Mother Joseph Care Center, lunch room helpers to our K-2nd grade friends, and shelving books in the school library.


Exciting highlights to end our year include our annual trip to the Washington State History Museum in Tacoma and the Falkner Tree Farm in Pacific County.


Mrs. Vreeland

Fourth Grade Teacher


Mrs. McKenzieSullivan

Fourth GradeInstructional Aide

Band Instructor

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