Middle School
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Students experience the best of educational experiences: they participate in rigorous literature, vocabulary, grammar and writing lessons in English/Language Arts. They are able to work to the best of their abilities in Math allowing them extra support within and without the classroom - some students even take geometry at Pope John Paul II High School. Science lessons are correlated to the new Next Generation Science Standards, and History is based on Common Core inquiry and content for the Ancient World, Middle Ages, Washington State History, and U.S. History. Religion classes aim for both spiritual and personal formation, and involve a rich curriculum that emphasizes Catholic Social Teaching and personal faith. Spanish is taught to middle school students, with an emphasis on students learning the foundational communication skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing.
A very special part of Middle School is being a part of one of the seven Saints Houses. Houses are multi-grade and last the three years of middle school. Houses support the parish, the school, and most importantly the life of a student. Students find that being part of a house means one is part of a larger faith family - which tends to blur the lines between sixth, seventh, and eighth graders. Middle School is a team working towards the same goals: inclusion, involvement, and independence based on being disciples of Jesus Christ.
Students in 6-8th grades have elective class options that include Language and Math Boosters, journalism, choir, band, musical theater, yearbook, life and organizational skills, and Brain Games.
Mr. Boyd
6th Grade Homeroon
Middle School Math
Mrs. Graver
8th Grade Homeroom
Middle School Science
Ms. Livings
English Language Arts
Mrs. Swenson
7th Grade Homeroom
Middle School History