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Third Grade

Saint Michael School Third Graders enjoy project-based and hands-on learning opportunities: 

​Third graders actively engage in projects and experiences that include:

  • Native American research project, which includes creating a project display, reading in our authentic classroom teepee, and several art projects

  • Sea life research project, which includes a bibliography, a labeled diagram, and a 3-D model

  • Hands-on science, which includes dissection, and STEM projects


Third graders are innately spiritual and readily immerse themselves in a variety of prayer experiences:   

  • Actively participating in Lectio Divina – 2-3 times weekly

  • Actively participating in daily Ignatian meditation

  • Praying a decade of the Rosary each day during Lent


Third graders are very giving of their time in service to others.  They take their service very seriously. These include:

  • Reading weekly to 2- and 3- year old Tikes daycare children in an early literacy program

  • Picking up attendance and lunch folders from each classroom in the school

  • Proudly participating in all school charity drives


Special projects and events are additional ways in which the 3rd graders can give to others.

  • Student Store – 3rd graders run the Student Store, which sells religious and school supplies at reasonable prices

  • Maypole dance – 3rd graders dance around the maypole in celebration of Mary, the mother of Jesus


The third graders’ big trip of the year is to the Pioneer Farm Living Experience Museum in the Ohop Valley.  Here they gain a sense of what life was like for the pioneers who settled this area. They also learn about the Native Americans and how they lived and cared for the land.


Specialist classes offer extension opportunities and enrichment experiences for the third graders.  

  • Music – in which they learn how to read music, types of instruments, and sing in the choir at an all school Mass

  • P.E. – where they learn how to play cooperatively instead of competitively: they also learn to dance the maypole dance during P.E. class


Mrs. Needham

Third Grade Teacher

Mrs. Hanzeli

Third Grade Instructional Aide

Mrs. Magana

Third Grade Instructional Aide

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